Middle pharyngeal constrictor thyroud cartilage
Middle pharyngeal constrictor thyroud cartilage

middle pharyngeal constrictor thyroud cartilage

sup: located at level of atlas and axis, large (2-3 cm long).

middle pharyngeal constrictor thyroud cartilage

around level of cricoid cartilage (C6 vertebra) mid: lies on ant aspect of inf thyroid a.inf: lies at sup 1st rib, wrapped around vertebral a., usually fused with 1st thoracic ganglion.has three enlargements (ganglia), superior, middle, descends obliquely across the ant surface of scalenus ant, deep to prevertebral fascia.ascends to reach inf pole of thyroid where they ascend in tracheoesophageal groove to supply all intrinsic muscles of larynx except cricothyroid after looping both recurrent laryngeal nn.(post to brachiocephalic vein) and gives off recurrent laryngeal n. on right: vagus crosses origin of subclavian a.leaves skull through jugular foramen with internal jugular vein and CN IX and XI.descends in superf fascia between mid line and ant sternocleidomastoid, turns lat at root of neck and opens into termination of ext jugular.arises near hyoid from confluence of submandibular veins (submental venous plexus).smallest of jugular veins, usually paired (joined by jugular venous arch just sup to sternum).subclavian (from axillary v.), anterior to scalenus anterior.Part 3 (lat): dorsal scapular, (occasionally suprascapular a).Part 2 (post): costocervical trunk (® sup intercostal, deep cervical).thyroid, transverse cervical, suprascapular) Part 1 (med): vertebral, internal thoracic, thyrocervical trunk (® divided into three parts by scalenus anterior, it gives the following branches:.covered by sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles.passes sup and to right, post to sternoclavicular joint where it divides into r.largest branch of arch of aorta, 4-5 cm in length and arises post to centre of manubrium.right (r): brachiocephalic trunk, branches into r.key structures: thoracic inlet, cervical pleura, scalenus anterior.junctional area between neck and thorax.runs from base of skull to sup mediastinum.sympathetic chain lies post, outside sheath.encloses common carotid and internal carotid arteries, internal jugular vein, and vagus nerve.axillary sheath is extension of this fascia.brachial plexuses are deep to this fascia situated in front of prevertebral muscles of neck (surrounds cervical vertebrae and associated muscles).sup: hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage.splits to enclose thyroid, trachea and oesophagus.inf: spine of scapula, acromion process, clavicle, manubrium.occipital protuberance, sup nuchal line, mastoid process, lower border of mandible forms roof of anterior and posterior triangles of neck.deeper lamina (between angle of mandible and styloid process) forms stylomandibular ligament.between angle of mandible and mastoid process, it splits into two laminae to enclose parotid gland, superficial lamina (parotid fascia) extends to zygomatic arch.splits to enclose two muscles (trapezius & sternocleidomastoid), two salivary glands (parotid & submandibular) and two spaces (suprasternal & supraclavicular).deep fascia of neck condenses to form four layers: investing, pretracheal, prevertebral, and carotid sheath.

Middle pharyngeal constrictor thyroud cartilage